Friday, July 16, 2010

Second blog: I'm learning!

Today, I successfully uploaded an image of Bear in one of my favorite photos of the boy. You see, when Bear wants attention, he does whatever he can to get it! On the day this photo was taken, he had already tried to take over my desk top (on the right) and I'd strongly encouraged him to step aside. So, he took over the side "wing" of the desk, then took this pose. I am very glad I had my camera handy!

When my neighbor comes to visit, she likes to sit in the chair that Bear has claimed as his very own. There is a side table between that chair & the recliner I like to sit in. Bear lets us know that he's been displaced by pushing things off the table, one at a time. I've learned to only keep things that don't break on there. He'll lay down, causing magazines & other light weight items to be distributed closer to the edge. Next, he'll look to see if anyone is watching. One by one, items will start to fall to the floor with a paw push, or a nose nudge. The tissue box is usually the first to go. Pen? One of his favorites to paw push because it will see-saw back and forth before finally succumbing to gravity. His brush, each magazine - all are fair game for his quest to clear the table top of everything. While it rarely gets him his chair back, it entertains both him and us!

There are things I need to accomplish before the weekend. Will be photographing my latest bead creation in my next writing.


  1. Jan, you write so well! You've captured Bear well, but I'm certain that the saga will continue!

  2. AWWWW! Love the pic and the story- MUST meet Bear some time! Aryd'ell
